Tuesday, November 23, 2004

New Bedford Mass is the kingdom I've always wanted

I am free to run, I am free to pee in the house, and I am allowed to eat off Pauline's fork. Mom has no idea how spoiled I am right now. I have no rules. Yukie and Zion went back to New York today with Alicia and Jude, so I am left alone with Bebe the lab and Pauline (Alicia'a mom). I eat off her fork at the table and she does not make me sit first. I get to run around in her yard for hours and eat grass. I never really knew what grass was untill a few days ago. I am so used to NYC sidewalk, but grass settles my stomach. I snuck down to Pauline's bacement and met the Cat today, and wow that was weird. I had a positive expirence, but I almost got my eye clawed out. I guess I can't blame the cat I would claw eyes out if my privates were sniffed by something other than a dog. More later I have to go explore New Bedford more ( I found a hole in the fence).

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