Tuesday, November 09, 2004

My Loaned-Out Rosary Ends Up On the Outskirts of Falluja

Look, everyone who reads this blog knows that I'm a neutured dog who supports our troops, but this is not how I expected to do it. I've been pen-palling with marines in the 4th Infantry Division who WERE stationed outside of Baquba. One of them lost a rosary, I mentioned that I had an extra, they said they'd love to have it, I send it and BOOM, they mount it on thier freaking tank! Though I didn't specify, I was expecting it to go around someone's neck, maybe it would be hung over a rear view mirror or even mushed up in a clump in someone's back pocket. That rosary is cheap plastic, I'm afraid they're going to break it while doing house to house constantly shooting 80mm rounds into hospitals and water treatment plants.

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