Monday, May 02, 2005

Not to Be Gross

Not to be too gross, but talking about Vomit is usually ok when you are not feeling sick, and there is nothing gross around such as more vomit.
Mom Got Sick on Saturday, So ill that she decided to Question the dinner she ate at Planet Tai in Brooklyn with Frank, it also could have been because Frank made mom drink like a man. Wine mixed with shots of JD is never a good combo. Mom in fact was so sick that she could not get back to the city on Sunday morning to take me out for a walk, she called Rick and Katie to come an rescue me. . .But they did not make it over in time. I peed all over the floor! And then when mom got home, I could tell she was feeling sick so I licked a bit of the floor cleaner she used to clean up my pee, and I vomited my self.
We had a really good sleep last night, we were so worn out from the Vomiting!


Anonymous said...

Poor piggy! I hope your feling better because throwing up is NOT fun. I throw up a lot because I like to eat grass.

Roonie said...

I threw up in the grass a couple weeks ago. I hope Milo didn't have any of that.