Mom and Frank went all the way to the Bronx Zoo and left me behind. Places like that are meant for me to visit. I would fit right in, I would pee outside right along side the Camel's. Mom was way too excited about the outing because she was singing that stupid song "I'm going to the zoo zoo zoo, How about you you you" I can't really hear melodies like that coming out of mom, it makes my fur crawl. Frank really wanted to see all the Monkeys because as he told mom, his great Grandfather was the head Vet there and was the first Vet to introduce the Sterile technique. His Great Grandfather sounded pretty amazing, because he used to bring home the monkeys to make them better, and his Daughter (Franks Grandma) used to get to play with them.
Frank told me an interesting fact that mom is not supposed to know, his grandma used to be able to bite her toenails off with her teeth! That is soo cool.
It was a free day at the Zoo, so all they were asking for were donations. Which meant as Mom and Frank found out some of the animals were nowhere to be found. They spent a good half an hour looking in the cage for the Okapis which is s relative to the Zebra and Giraffe. It turns out it just was not in the cage.
Oh well, next time they will go back on a paying day and bring me too. Later that Frank was soo tired after walking around the zoo all day and cooking a really great dinner for mom that he fell asleep on me.
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