I love Florida, It is warm and mom is in a good mood, and I got to see Grandma!!!!! I love Grandma she talkes to me in this stupid voice and pets me a lot. We got picked up at the Airport by mom's brother JR and Michael and her "aunt/Grandma's bestfriend" and again had to be in a car. That car ride was ok because, it was short and as soon as it was over there were so many other dogs! Ashley the poodle, Ranger the Mutt, and Jasmin the golden retriver. They were so big and warm, Florida dogs pant a lot. I was welcomed into this great home, and got to run free. There was this big tree in the house, and I went right over to pee on it, and learned that that is not good, and the tree was there for something called Christmas.
All of these people came over to the house, and I got to smell what I heard mom call "old lady perfume", she's right it is bad. I got three litte packeges wrapped in paper, and got to chew it all with out getting yelled at! Under the paper was, a bone and a ball and chewy! All for me!!! All of a sudden mom decided to jump in to the pool, all the other dogs jumped in right after her all except me.
She swam around and played with all the balls and I could not go in to the pool. I don't like water and I was afraid of drowning. Mom finally got out of the pool and then I got to go on a really really long walk on all grass! Later that night I got to eat steak at the table and sleep on a really great carpet. If it were up to me Christmas would be every day!