Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Team Puma

I am fascinated, in awe, have a bit of jealousy towards these guys.

Not only are all of the hard core messengers, but also great bikers that got chosen to be on the track racing Team sponsored by Puma.
They have been around for a while, and Frank and mom go to a lot of NYBMA events that they go to too, but there is something about this picture that is fantastic.
Sometimes when mom bikes by them somewhere she feels as if she should yell out how cool they are, but instead just nod's in appreciation. Squid the guy in the center of the pic, also delivers food in Williamsburg on some nights, mom sees him and they have the same bag which makes her smile!
Go team PUMA!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You also seem to have the same lock.
