Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Red Light Go

I am recommending to all you all out there to go and watch,buy,support the documentary "Red Light Go"

(totally check out the websight)

The movie is about bike messengers and Ally cat races in New York city. It is raw and honest and you are able to really get a good grasp of what it is like to be a bike messenger in the city. You are introduced to the community of messengers that are out there and I feel as if you get a true portrayal of what it is like for them on a daily basis.

No only does this movie take you on a ride, but it gets personal in just the right way, there is no glamorization of the life. You see the good the bad the ugly, and in the end you respect what they are all about more.

On a side note I have begun to envy the community of bike messenger's for their support of one another, in a profession that is solitary. They go out of their way to create a strong community with events and races and mutual support if one another is in trouble. It is not a class system, nor a private club. Any race/type/level of insanity is free to participate. But if you want to truly stand out,you gotta race and place in the top ranks of the legendary Halloween Ally cat race.
"Red Light Go" is a must see!


Anonymous said...

Dude that movie Rocks! Everyone should check it out!

todd said...

Where can I buy it? The buy button on the site is broken. The movie looks amazing. I love to watch documentaries on obscure sub-cultures.

Big Tom said...

damn, i would maybe google it, i know that they sell it at bike shops in NYC. And keep trying the button. let me know if you have more problems.