Tuesday, June 07, 2005

new friend?

Frank's brother Jonno got a new dog. He named him Milo!

He is half chow and boxer and right now he is only 4 months old. He lives in St.Louis, but maybe I will get to see him one day. I think I could stomach a plane ride for a good cause. Mom told me that Milo is going to be way bigger than me, and that for me to get to see him I have to stop peeing in the house forever. This is a deal I won't have trouble doing, see ever since moving to Greenpoint I only had one accident, and that was the first day, and it was because I was scared. We only live one flight up now, so even if mom leaves me for 14 hours, like she did on Sunday. I can hold it! Milo here I come!

1 comment:

Emily Farris said...

Will you and Milo come eat the centipedes in my apartment? Nothing should have that many legs. Especially nothing in my apartment.