Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Old pool

Mom has a fascination with the park and the empty pool that is right near our house in Greenpoint.

She walks me by all the time and tells me that a long time ago the pool was all fixed up and beautiful and a great summer hang out, it was Brooklyn's largest swimming pool which opened in 1938.

I sometimes wish that I was alive back then so I could run and frolic in the great clean park area. Now it is filled with graffiti and ruin. The pool closed for good in the late 1970s, so it has had a while to sit and get nasty. It is just so sad that there was just not enough money to keep it open. Back in the park and pools hay day it was a hopping area to be around, and really created a community feel. Mom feels really sad about missing out on experiences that happened when new york was not just a city. When there were a lot more open areas and the large pools, parks , gardens, and waterfronts were not forbidden zones to walk in.

Now if you trespass in the pool are you could go to jail. I am tempted to get loose and sneak into the pool so mom has to come in and get me!
Oh and by the way. This is Frank's apartment building the old historic Astril Apartments on Franklin Street.


Kris said...

so these aren't your real pics?

Big Tom said...

shove it