Thursday, June 16, 2005


When mom needs a change, little things start happening in her life that are beyond her control. Things like getting bad news on a series of things mom wanted, the cap of her tooth falling out, getting sick, picture flying off the wall. All these are signs that something needs to change. But then there are still some great moments admiss all the bad ones that clarity comes through, and things feel alright. Those moments are the ones that keep her going. And other simple delights such as making dinner with Frank, biking and beating other people on the bridge. Coming in to work sweaty and not caring.
But then another sign that mom needs to change something in her life, is when she starts cutting my hair, using the dustbuster too much, cleaning for the sake of it and dreaming up different colors to re-paint her bedroom. I actually think that she is going to re-paint the bedroom because the lilac color that she has now sucks. I think that she should paint it the same color that Kris has her bedroom.
Now to the point, what is the change that needs to be made. It think I'll leave it up for speculation.


Anonymous said...

You could need to get a new job, Jack ass!

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