There is nothing like being slapped back to reality by a parent. Last night mom called her mom, (who we will be calling Grandma) and got into a big fight.
It did not start out as a fight but it escalated to that place quick. All mom was trying to do was explain that she was so excited, that Frank helped her craft a great resignation letter for the job that she was supposted to be quitting today.
Wham, that remark that mom made sent Grandma over the edge, and got mom on the defensive really quick. Grandma started explaining to mom is a loud tone with fast words that is was incredibly stupid to quit the job she is at now just for the sake of it, when she does not have another job lined up.
Grandma was saying that it's great to be all romantic about eating canned soup and PB&J sandwitches untill mom finds another job, but that there are realities that come along with being unemployed. These realities are that Rent needs to be paid, ConEd needs to be paid, (so that the air conditioner works and I don't Fry). Little things like, I need dog food, and mom needs shaving cream need to be bought. All those things cost money and when there is no money coming in there is no money to be spent.
Grandma said it is uneducated, selfish and makes mom look bad to give a fine job up, just because mom does not like it with all her heart. Grandma did say that mom could feel free to quit as soon as she gets that other job and not to worry about giving the full two weeks.
Damn this, Mom did not want Grandma to be right, and grandma was not trying to be mean or all "I told you so," but after 2 hours on the phone mom relented and said that she would think about holding off handing in her resignation letter until she though it all out.
Damn it, Damn it , Damn it. Mom is so mad that she has to continue to be here a bit longer. It does not seem fair, but then again Grandma pointed out that life is not, and unfortunately no one is there any more to help her out finantially if mom is broke.
That's the reality and the facts and that is the hardest idea to swallow.
That idea is not the way mom was raised, and she has been fighing it for a long time now. It just sucks to her, to really realize that she is the one who is in charge now of her money, lifestyle and needs. And if she wants something, she is going to have to make it happen. The sad fact is that she had to learn it at 25, and not at 18. So many of you out there already knew that, we know. But today is the day that mom became a grown-up. And there is no little party to celebrate, Just a welcome to the real world lunch brough from home in tupper ware.