Last night went very well for mom, she got off work and did her laundry, and put me in the cart with all her wet clothes and transported me to the dryer, you can guess how loud I squealed!
Then mom went to Brooklyn because she was meeting Frank who had her bike, which she lent to a friends sister for "Bike New York".
As has mom was getting a Slice of Pizza in Brooklyn she started to think about the places she may want to move to around that area. Which brings me to the point that Mom wants to move to Brooklyn for various reasons, one of them and the biggest one having to do with money. So pretty soon I will be a Brooklyn puppy.
As mom was walking around the streets, she decided she wants to live on Berry.
I don't think that's too much to ask.
She met Frank, and their plan of riding back to the city was foiled because she had a flat in her rear tire, and Frank had lent out his tools to a friend. They hauled the bikes on the the subway, and went back to Manhattan.
In Manhattan they grabbed a beer at this new WAY OVERPRICED Mexican place right off of Bleeker on McDougall, and then went back to my house.
As they were talking mom was trying to explain the idea of the Human names being way over the top too funny to be dog names. Such as "Nick, Stephanie, Amanda and Emily" the list goes on. Maybe you had to be there, but mom was demonstrating by calling me some of the names, and cracking up. Think about it this was, say your dog was named Stephanie, you go to the office and you tell a co-worker; "last night Stephanie crapped all over my rug, I can't tame the bitch". And then what if you had another co-worker named Stephanie. Funny right?
Anyway, moving on At 3am Mom and Frank got awakened by the god damn trash truck picking up the Bleeker st. trash, and after conversing lucidly for a half an hour Frank decided to drug himself with the baby benadryl that mom had taken 5 hours earlier. In my opinion their day was eventful, and I am thankful my name is not Mike.