Thursday, January 06, 2005

Why Do I have a Tail?

Over salmon and freshly made cobbler mom and Frank discussed the point of my tail.

I was thinking the same thing the other day when it was raining and it got very heavy. I was wondering why I had to drag behind me something so long and sopping wet. To my surpise, mom had already done research on this subject. When I asked her, between my barks and begging for salmon, she took me into the other room, sat me down and told me the truth. I felt as if my search for Santa Clause was happening again. It turns out there is no point for my tail. If I was reared in England back when dogs were used for hunting and herding then my tail would have been "docked" because no one wanted to pay the luxery tax for having a non-working canine. I am, of course, a luxurious dog and would have demanded that my fluff stay on the end. But, if it would have saved mom a lot of tax money, I would have gone through with it. As it is, I used it from time to time to swat away flies in the summertime and to show just how much I want a piece of multi-berry cobbler.

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