Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Happy Birthday to Me!!!!

Today I am 1 years old!!!!! Let me give you a breif history about how I came to write this blog.
I was in a cage at the Dartmouth Mall,

When mom came in with Alica and Jude and picked me out. I loved mom right away and forced her to buy me. "How much is that Doggy in the window?" was playing in the background. They took me back to Alicia's house in New Bedford,

and I met Yukie for the first time. I was so sleep from being drugged in the Pet store so I slept on mom for hours. After smelling grass, and going for walkes it was time for me to move on and go to Boston to meet Grandma for the first time.

It was fun there but it rained and grandma talked to me in a stupid voice and petted me too much. After a few days there is was time to go on to Mom's home in NYC, I rode in a car with some of mom's brothers JR and Michael,

And they kicked me around, and played rough with me.
Mom rescued me and showed me where I would be sleeping and I started to settle in, and make NYC my home.

I met Frank a few days later and discovered the salt lick! Thanks mom for rescueing me from the Pet store and bringing me on adventures all over!

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