Thursday, July 21, 2005

Panty hose in hot weather.

Lately mom has been forced to wear panty hose. She hates it, it makes her feel like a fraud and it is really just too hot to be constricted with sweat like that.

Have you ever had one of those nights where your half way going somewhere and all you want to do is turn around and go home for no reason other than you want to sit on your couch and do nothing.
That was last night for mom. She went with an old co-worker Jenn to this "Political event" Hosted by Eefers. The event was for this really cool guy Chris Owens

who is trying to run for congress. Chris is great, he stands for some really great things. (not to mention his brother was Alvin on the Cosbey show).
Emily did a great job hosting the event which was at the new Tank. There was music, and comedy, the transitions were fast and smooth and Chris Owens Played the recorder. . . well. But the whole time mom was there she wanted to be on her couch. She can't figure out why and she feels bad admitting that.
Lets figure out why.
Some of the reasons could be. She biked in the heat during rush hour from Greenpoint to the west side. She got scared and sweaty.

Another reason could be she had to wear panty hose all day in the city,
and that sucks enough to make anyone want to sit on their couch.

And the last reason could be that she was just tired, a bit hung over and too hot from running an hour earlier to give a shit about anything.
This feeling can be solved in the future by banning and boycotting panty-hose.

Well, not if you look like that in them!


Emily Farris said...

Thanks for coming to the event. And honestly, I would have rather been on my couch, too.

Now, about the panty hose...I'm guessing you need them for the top half of your legs? My secret? Cut them off where you need them to end. That way they don't cover your whole leg and make things worse. I know, they'll roll up a bit, but it's better than wearing full hose. Also, if you go to the underwear section of any store, you'll find pretty much "half hose" that are hemmed and won't roll (they'll also suck you in in if you know what I mean). Also I suggest this stuff.

Big Tom said...

You rock Emily! Thanks.

Daniel said...

I always love having my afternoon ice coffee and reading about "MONISTAT® Soothing Care™ Chafing Relief Powder-Gel." Half Panty Hose? chafing relief? geeesh. I don't think most men realize all the crap that women have to deal with to look good.

Emily Farris said...

It's not the looking good, so much as the feeling good while we're looking good that's the problem.