Monday, July 25, 2005

One of the big dogs.

Sorry for the lack of post, but I was too busy hiding under a table and sitting on mom's lap to post.
Mom and Frank had the bright idea to take me with them while they were dog sitting in Inwood this past weekend. Um, I don't like train rides and I am small. The two dogs Baily and Sky are wimaraner's (well one's a mix) but they both weigh over 60lbs.
They both like to play a lot and poop a lot, Bark a lot and sleep a lot. Everything that they do is a lot. Sky tries to be a lap dog and will run and jump on to mom or Frank and crush me. I spent a lot of time sitting on mom to make them think I was bigger. It was really fun to go on walks with them, cause mom let me walk far ahead or right with them and I finally knew what it is like to grow up in a pack of dogs.
Sleeping was a whole nother story, Me, mom, Frank, Sky and Baily all piled on to the bed. I ended up sleeping on top of mom and straddled over Frank because I had no room to move!
All and all it was fun to spend a weekend somewhere new and try and be one of the big dogs, but when Sunday rolled around all I wanted to do was sleep. I was so tired and stressed out from the commotion and change. And while mom went to Kris's party that's what I did


Anonymous said...

Hey Pig,
I gotta tell you, I hit my bed last night like a sack of potatoes. Those dogs tuckered me out.


Emily Farris said...

Piggy Reese, damn your mom for turning me on to SiteMeter. I'm obsessed. Obsessed, I say. Obsessed!

Big Tom said...

I know SightMeter is da bomb!