Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Chicago the Fake city

Mom and Frank went to Chicago this past long weekend with Frank's Family. It was fun and strange.
The fun was with the Family, they went to museums and restaurants and "taste of Chicago" (an event where you eat the city). They saw "Mr. And Mrs. Smith" which was what is was supposted to be, a shot gut blast, sexually charged movie. Won't see it again.
Jonno, Frank's Brother made them go see reggae at "The House of Blues", which was fun when they got to sit down.

The Strange was the city it self, it was way too clean. There was way to much space, and there are streets underground, like tunnels but not. Frank kept saying "um you could eat off this". It felt like GOTHEM in prehistoric times. All mom kept waiting to see were cars whizzing across the sky.

On the positive side there were ton's of bikers, it is a biker positive city. They even have free valet bike parking. That is cool. All by the parks are bike rental places and all over the city and the out skirts were well marked bike lanes. Frank pointed out that there were not as many agro bikers in Chicago, but then he remembered after a while that they were all in NYC for the messenger world championships.
Good thing mom did not bring me I had more fun at my dog walkers barbecue! I would feel bad peeing anywhere. Um, and also I did not want to fly again.

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