Tuesday, April 05, 2005


What is mom doing with her life?. . .This is the new question of the week. We know she is starting to train for the half marathon she and Shannon and possibley Frank are going to run mid May, but other than that what's on her plate?
I have been watching her bang her head against the wall and send out resume's and wait for phone calls for a while now.
My biggest concern is that she is out there looking for jobs she does not even want. She wants to direct theatre, but has to settle for some sort of "Day job" that pays the bills. A lot of people are in her shoes, and thoes people are able to suck up the crap jobs and deal with it. Mom for some reason can't. She feels like If she has to suffer in a job that pays the bills why not make it one she can stomach?
These are her guide lines now . . no waitressing, no bartending, no retail, and no working at night. That's it, is that too much to ask? She is totally qualified in so many other fields and could be the best office manager/assistant there is. But guess who keeps sending her resume out there and getting no repsones . . . mom.
So I have told her, this is what you have to do, you have to think positivally, and make it your goal to get a job, the more resume's that you put out there, the more chances you will get a bite. So hopefully this is going to be her new out look!

Everyone cross your fingers, I will cross my paws. Lets hope mom gets a job.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Well, welcome to your job!