Monday, February 28, 2005

mom put her foot in her mouth

SO as we all know mom has an obsession with being able to do a lot of pull-ups. Mom told Frank that if Hilary Swank won the best actress Oscar for Million Dollar Baby, she would have to do 3 sets of 10 pull ups unassisted, and be able to either run a half marathon (well at least 8 miles). I think she said she had to be able to do it by her birthday. Haha Hilary Swank won

and now mom has to do it. Did you know that Hilary Swank put on something like 17 pounds of muscle for the movie, and she had to wake up in the middle of the night just to eat more? Mom better use the summer wisely. Lets hope she won't make me run with her, She already tortures me with the insane amount of stairs I have to go up every day. Good thing I still have her fooled with my "fear" of going down stairs. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What an Oscars. Laura has to enter herself in her own Strong Woman Competition and I get a bottle of whisky for guessing the right winners.
