Thursday, October 28, 2004

Quality Time With Positive-Male-Role-Model Frank

Mom had to work a double today, so I was left alone in the apartment for a bit. Frank, my positive male role mode stopped by and took me for a walk. Had a great time, but forgot to make number two. Thank god for the bathroom tile floor. He came back up for a while to play with me, drink a Czech beer and watch the Simpsons. He left at about 8:00. All in all, it was like Ice Cube said: "today was a good day, I didn't even have to use my AK!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad that you have a positive role model in your life. Even the greatest Mom can't be a Dad. My Mom dumped my Dad, so no one really looks out for my masculine side. All too often, Mom has my hair done and I come out with a bow. Having read your Mohawk story, I will stop complaining. Halston London