So many people came that the apartment was crowed with sweaty bodies. Everyone was so sweaty and drunk that all people could do was get more trashed. Josh and the Vagabender boys

came back and surprised Frank at the party! That was fun for me because Mark brought Sixto

along and we go to go to Frank's house during the party!
I was sad to leave the party but it was better than getting stepped on!
Frank estimated that there were about 40 people there give or take. At one point the whole party headed to the bar down the street, and I am sure scared the bartender with the rowdiness. Everything after that is a bit hazy to mom, and Frank can't remember anything after eating "the chicken".
The next day when I got brought home the apartment was all clean. Apparently mom woke right up and started cleaning the apartment. Mom even told me that when she woke up in the morning the layer of grime and mess was so thick on the floor that she was hesitant to walk on it. Gross.
When Frank and mom move into their own place in a month or so they are going to make sure that the apartment is big enough to have parties and dinners all the time!
Woo Hoo!
Maybe they will but me a sister to play with in their new place!:> I'm thinking a baby bichon named Skunkette.
Yeah! Fun fete. Rated A+ . Love how we brought our own beers to the bar!
I've been thinking long and hard and you know, that was probably the best birthday party I've ever had. It's best that I forgot everything after "the chicken" it's probably best that way.
Sorry I missed the festivities.... I'm sure I could have contributed to the grime on the floor.
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